Knotbito-A heart Zen experience helping by Takumoto Kudo, a priest at Asahiji Temple-

Knotting Bito | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

Soto Sorin Iwayama Asahi-ji Temple is located in Hiji Town, Oita Prefecture, where the hotel is located. While being wrapped in beautiful nature, you can adjust your mind with a Zen experience, enjoy the scent by making a Kabos smell bag, and adjust your body with vegetarian cuisine. This is a program that allows you to exchange words while listening to Zen knowledge and folk tales from Kudo priests, free from stress such as worries and anxiety that you have every day, refreshes both physically and mentally, turn your mind and body, and gain vitality.

[Program Overview]
◆Reservation period Aug. 1, 2024 (Thursday)
◆Experience period From October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) to be held at any time.
◆Please contact us for details.
◆Hours: 10:30 ~ About 2 and a half hours ~ 3 hours
◆Place Soto Sorin Iwayama Asahiji Temple
◆Exclusion date Obon (August 1 to 8/16), Higan (September), New Year's holiday (12/28-1/5)
◆Fee 7,700 yen / 1 person (tax included)
◆One group limited to 1 to 5 people
◆Target age 12 years or older
◆Up to 7 days prior to the event date.
◆Contents included in the experience
・Matcha hospitality
・Zazen, sutra, or Buddha (one type can be selected for each set)
・Making cabos original smell bag
・Hospitality for vegetarian cuisine
・Mr. Daruma's red seal

Knotting Bito | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

"Knot Bito" Profile
Kudo Takumoto, Soto Sorin Iwayama Asahiji Temple Priest: Born in Hiji-machi, Oita
Asahi-ji Temple is a temple that has been loved by the locals for a long time since the Edo period, supporting the local people since the grandfather of Kudo priest Kudo. Kudo, who was born and raised at Asahi-ji Temple, trained since childhood, had deep knowledge and views on Zen, and always sought what he could do. In a world where people can relax even a little, we open temples and organize events with the community, and strive to spread Zen. I have been in contact with people sincerity that if they could get as much as possible to save themselves through their activities, they could feel calm. Since 2010, he has been working at the Soto sect Oita Prefectural Soto sect and has been conducting teaching activities. Currently, he is actively engaged in sanzen teaching and folk tales, and is working hard to support more people.

Soto Sorin Iwayama "Asahiji"

Soto Sorin Iwayama Asahi-ji Temple | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

Asahi-ji Temple is located in Hide-cho, Oita Prefecture, where the hotel is located, and is rooted in the lives of local people. On a small hill where the rural scenery spreads out in front of you, concentrate on zazen (sutra or Buddha) while being surrounded by nature, relax your mind, and experience the time spent at Asahiji Temple using your five senses So that your mind and body.

Making original smell bag containing cabos spices, a special product of Oita

Making original smell bag containing cabos spices, a special product of Oita

According to Asahi-ji Temple, incense was handed down to Japan along with Buddhism. The smell bag is one of the ways to enjoy incense, and the fragrance contained fragrance makes you feel calm and calm. In this program, you can experience making an original smell bag where you can put cabos fragrances, a special product of Oita Prefecture, in the desired amount and mixes the fragrances yourself. You can also learn about the origins of smell bags, incense culture, and the characteristics of the fragrances used. After offering the finished smell bag in front of Buddha, you will take it home.

Hospitality for vegetarian cuisine

Knotting Bito | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

Based on brown rice porridge and sesame salt, you can enjoy vegetarian cuisine that the priest actually eats on the day, such as soups and pickles made with local vegetables from Danya. (Menus vary depending on the season.)

Dharma's red seal

Knotting Bito | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

When Kudo's grandfather was a priest, he drew and distributed profitable Dharma, so that he became connected with the local people. They still support Asahi-ji Temple as a Danya. After adjusting your mind and body through the Zen experience, you will take home Daruma-san's red seal, which is also a symbol of connection with the local community, as a lucky charm.

[Example of zazen schedule]

Zazen | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

Arrived at Asahi-ji Temple
Nobito and face-to-face
Matcha hospitality
Zazen experience
A narrative
Making cabos original smell bag
Hospitality for vegetarian cuisine
Finished program experience

[Example of Shakyo Schedule]

Shakyo | Grand Mercure Beppu Bay Resort & Spa

Arrived at Asahi-ji Temple
Nobito and face-to-face
Matcha hospitality
Shakyo experience
A narrative
Making cabos original smell bag
Hospitality for vegetarian cuisine
Finished program experience

・If there is a rainy day or a warning is issued, the experience program will be canceled.
・It may not be possible to hold the event due to Buddhist affairs.
・Age limit: 12 years old or older
・If you are a minor, please come with a guardian.
・If you choose a sutra or Buddha, the experience time may be longer depending on individual differences.
・If you would like to experience zazen, we recommend wearing clothes that are easy to sit on.
・We are not able to respond to food allergies.
・Please refrain from drinking before the experience.
・Application deadline: Up to 7 days before
・Cancellation fee: 3 days before to 100% on the day
※There is no cancellation fee for cancellation due to weather.